Facebook promotion
Updated over a week ago

Facebook allows no nudity, but is the largest social media network online, so it can’t be ignored. Because of the nudity restriction, you need to get a bit creative. Post the photos of you in your daily life, that aren't too personal or giveaway too much on your personal stuff. Or simply just post photos of you in a bra and panties. Those are ok too! Just make sure to keep your front side covered! If you do photo shoots make sure the photographer takes some Facebook friendly ones!

To get started, first set up a personal page. Go to https://www.facebook.com/ and complete the sign up. Once you’re happy with the way you’ve chosen to use and configure your personal profile (make sure nothing personal is on that page unless you want it there), it’s time to set up your Business Page (AKA Fan Page). Setting up a page is simple. Just visithttps://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php and follow the step-by-step setup instructions. Facebook will automatically walk you through the process.

What You Need to Know About Facebook Pages:

Your Facebook page will be tied to your personal profile as the admin of your Fan page; however, only you and Facebook knows the connection exists.

You can have an unlimited number of Fan pages.

You can have an unlimited number of fans (Facebook users who “Like” your page).

Facebook Fan Pages are public—anyone can find and view your page whether they are logged into Facebook or not.

You can ban a fan of your page but they will still be able to see your content. It will only make it so they can no longer comment on your page.

All content posted on your Facebook page gets indexed on Google so that you are easily findable.

You can add applications to your page, including your own custom content—video, rich text, graphics, opts-in box and more.

Claim your page's vanity URL

Once you've created your fan page, make it more shareable and easier to find by creating a recognizable vanity URL (e.g.https://www.facebook.com/mymembersite athttp://www.facebook.com/username

Add a Creative Cover Photo

Facebook's new page design enables you to feature an 851 x 315 pixel 'cover photo' at the top of your business page. Get creative with it to capture the attention of new page visitors. Just be sure to follow Facebook's cover photo policies by excluding price/purchase information (e.g. "40% off" or "Download it at our website"); references to Facebook features/functions (e.g. "Like," "Share," etc.); contact information such as website address, email, mailing address, or information that should go in your page’s “About” section; and calls-to-action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends."

Auto-Publish Blog Content

Start populating your page's timeline with content! If you maintain a blog, you can connect your blog to auto-post links to your Facebook page. We can connect your site blog Many blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger automatically offer this feature within its software; you'll just need to turn it on and sync it with your page. (Warning: Don't put too much emphasis on automation. It's okay to auto-publish some content, but make sure a real human is posting and engaging with your fans, too. People WILL unfollow and leave your page if you aren’t being personal with them. )

Leverage Your Most Visual Content

Facebook's new timeline page design places more of an emphasis on visual content like images and videos, so use that to your advantage. According to an internal Facebook study, "posts including a photo album or picture can generate 2X more engagement than other post types." Because these images will now appear larger and more prominently on your page, make it a point of posting your best visual content to your Facebook page, or make more of an effort to make the content you already create more visual.

Add Milestones

Another feature the new Facebook page design supports is 'Milestones,' which allows you to call attention to significant events in your business’ history. Use the feature to highlight some of your business' biggest accomplishments, such as fan growth, award wins, video releases, or other accolades. You create a new (or past) milestone via the status update box, which will prompt you to input information about your milestone such as its name, location, date, story description, and an image, which is set at 843 x 403 pixels.

Use Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is Facebook's internal analytics tool right that helps you measure and analyze your Facebook presence. The tool provides Facebook page administrators with analytics data about page visits and engagement and can help you understand which content is and isn't engaging to your fans. Access your page's Insights athttp://www.facebook.com/insights or by clicking into the 'Admin Panel' on your page.

Tag Other Users and Business Pages

Although you used to only be able to tag other users on Facebook, you can now tag other pages, too. Make your page more engaging and interactive by enabling others to post content on your timeline. Enabling this feature will also automatically publish posts to your page's timeline that are from other users who have tagged your page in their posts. To enable this, check off "Everyone can post to (your business pages) timeline" and "Show the box for 'Recent Posts by Others' on the top of (your business page)" in 'Manage Permissions.' Search for other pages in the industry, brands, other models and like or follow them. Interact with them and they'll interact with you hopefully!

Monitor Activity on Your Business Page

Don't neglect your Facebook presence. A page that is engaging and updated regularly will be much more successful than a static one. If one of your objectives is to enhance customer service, you’ll want to be prompt in responding to fans’ comments and use a personal, approachable tone.

I usually find the tipping point in social media is between 500-1,000 fans/followers/friends/email subscribers. You’ll start to see measurable results with this size group. You’ll be building trust and loyalty among your fanbase with consistently good content and reliable responses. Now you must have a strategy in place to convert your fanbase to paying clients or customers. Perhaps you’ll offer a special event (live or virtual), coupons, discounts and other incentives to give your fans a strong call to action.

Enable Messages

With Facebook's new page design update, page admins can now allow users to send them personal messages. This makes it much easier for admins to engage in private conversations with their fans. Use this feature when you need to discuss a topic or customer service issue in more depth, and when you'd prefer the conversation not be made public for all page visitors to see. We don't recommend limiting methods of communication available to your fans, but admins can also choose to turn off messaging capability by accessing the Admin Panel, choosing 'Manage' >> 'Edit Page' >> 'Manage Permissions,' and unchecking the 'Messages' box.

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